Do you know your rights? Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian, or Homeowner?

Most people do not know their rights.

Is it important to know your rights you ask; especially if you KNOW you have not done anything wrong?

Truth is YES!

You still need to know your rights.


First, most people never have any interaction positive or negative with law enforcement.

You do not know how the system works.

You assume as a citizen it works on your behalf.

It does not.

Law enforcement has a goal.

The goal is to make a court case.

And to make a court case against you that will stick.

To also provide as much information to support the case.

Often, your words when you first talk with law enforcement are used against you.

Even if you have nothing to hide.

You do not know what they may ALREADY be building against you.

This begins with your FIRST conversation.

if you are not familiar with the legal system and how it works, as most are not.

Then you need to be aware.

This is one of those things the average person never deals with.

You need to be prepared to protect yourself.

Having access to a lawyer.

It is actually just as important as having insurance.

Your simple answer to law enforcement could be a costly answer.

That is why I advocate having legal advice ready and on stand by.

This is why you must be able to contact a legal source immediately.

Most people are conditioned to believe you get legal advice after an event great or small.

In a lot of cases it is often too late.

Your lack of knowledge and trusting the system has already got you in more trouble.

You do not even know it.

You are just trying to be honest.

Guess what?

It may cost you your life freedom!

Always have a lawyer available for you to use who is on your side.


Next, always be cordial and SHUT UP!

Then contact your lawyer.

Now you say, but I do not have one.

You should.

You can.

That is why I advocate a LegalShield Membership

Easy, caring, affordable plan that is available too all.

I am the official sign upper in Georgia as a LegalShield Independent Associate.

Also. get knowledgeable.

Read up.

Get the books.

My two recommendations.

You have the Right to Remain Innocent by James Duane.

The next is Body Armor by Ken Redfearn.

Get the books and do your research.

Then, get a LegalShield Membership in Georgia with your official sign upper, me.

Or when you are ready.

Go to or AndyLegal.Info for more information.

I want you to be prepared because knowing the law is one thing.

How to use it is another.

Whether you like it or not Lawyers know the legal system and how to help.

Get Legal help.

It is as important as insurance.

I want you to be prepared.

Make sure you have legal advice a call or click away.

You can with a LegalShield Membership for Georgians.

Do it for yourself or your loved ones, but do it!

To your best life now.

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