It is College Preparation Time

I have worked with youth and families the majority of my adult life.

When you are working as part of a “system” there are usually high expectations.

My heart will always be in that field.

I know how hard it is to raise a family.

I supervised a diagnostic group home with seven staff and a therapist.

It is a lot of work.

I always admired families that made it work despite any challenges.

Often with very little support and high expectations from society.

If you have a highly spirited child, sometimes it makes it tough.

So as I see information that can assist parents, I like to share.

Especially when I know it is not common knowledge.

The mission to help parents parent better has been a mission of mine.

So, when I found this product that can actually help families.

I fell in love with it.

A few things parents should know that they often do not consider when planning for college.

You must remember that your child is a legal adult in college.

Although your child may be an excellent person.

Sometimes, especially when away from home for the first time.

They find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Most parents have not prepared themselves.

Or their college student with anything practical except maybe a speech.

Teaching your child to say very little and use their app to contact their lawyer.

If they find themselves in a situation is crucial.

You will not be able to assist in most cases because they are legally an adult.

Most parents forget that when sending their son or daughter off to school.

Depending on the situation, you may not be able to speak with your child.

A lawyer can.

And you need to prepare your college student with a practical tool.

And if they never use it, that is great.

Check out Must Reads in the tabs above for more information.

All the best to you as you prepare for this new chapter.

More to come…

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I Am Here To Help

Are ready to start your own business?

Do you have what it takes to start your own sort of “franchise”?

I am here to help.

Andrew@PremierWebsiteName. com


If you know a family that:

Has signed a contract or document?

Had a landlord/tenant issue?

Been overcharged or treated unfairly?

Received a traffic ticket?

Been concerned about your child’s identity?

Had a real estate transaction?

Need you will prepared or updated?

Then, whether they or you have used a lawyer or not.

You or they had a legal issue.

There is a need.

And the time is now.

With 96% of the population without this service.

Or any service similar.

There is no better time than now.

More to come…

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Helping Families

Families all over the country are in need of legal assistance.

These families would gladly use a legal service.

If it was convenient and affordable.

LegalShield is both convenient and affordable.

So many families just do not know about the service.

There is a family that has a teen who has speeding tickets.

They have no choice but to just let her go to court.

Without legal representation.

And hope that everything goes well because that teen driver is needed.

To take her brother to school .

Because mom’s job is in the total opposite direction from the school.

Mom has to leave early.

If that family knew about LegalShield they would use it.

Mom would feel more secure while away from her kids.

Because she works far away from their school.

And getting to them right away is not easy.

Now you have told them about LegalShield.

And that mom loves it.

She taught her kids how to use the LegalShield App.

Now she can feel more at ease.

She is very thankful to you for telling her about LegalShield

Now you feel great because you have a profitable business you love.

Helping families.

Please contact me if you need help signing up.

To get a LegalShield Plan or to start your business.


More to come…

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Why Didn’t You Call?

You might just have a case, but you didn’t check and could have. Is that you?

Why didn’t you call a law firm when you know you should have?

But didn’t and could have?

The only justice you get.

Is the justice you can access.

Now you can have access.

It is convenient with the LegalShield App and affordable

A LegalShield Law Firm can help you and your family.

Why continue to be mistreated and abused.

It is up to you. for all the Fast Starters.

Please contact me to help you sign up.

For an a LegalShield Plan or to start your business.

If you need assistance.


More to come…

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Healthcare and College Students


Parents of students who are away at college.

One thing you may have overlooked.

As many parents have done until it is too late.

If an unforeseen health issue arises with your child.

While he or she is away at university.

You will not be able to find out any information.

About his or her health status.

Even though you are paying the bill while he or she is at school.

Your child is now a legal adult.

If you failed to have a Healthcare Power of Attorney in place.

Prior to leaving for college.

Legally you will not be able to find out any information.

You planned for everything.

But a legal emergency.

Whether it is healthcare related or not.

Don’t find yourself in that heartbreaking situation.

Make sure your child is armed with legal protection.

As well as making sure that all the legal documentation is in order.

Before he or she leaves for college.

You can afford it.

There is an answer.


The plans are for everyone.

But, I want to make sure my home state of Georgia is fully covered.

I am the Georgia LegalShield Signer Upper.

Show some real love for your child.

You gave them everything else.

Make sure that your newly legal young adult has some legal coverage too.

Go to:

Or for all fast starters.

More to come…

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I Am Building A Team

I have a goal of helping one million families get access to justice and the legal system.

It is not just for the rich anymore.

Why is it 97% of Americans do not have access to legal help when they need it?

There is no justice if you do not have access to the justice system.

It is not just for the rich anymore.

There is a way to get access WHEN YOU NEED IT.

Good people need it too.

Truthfully sometimes bad things happen to good people!

Think about it.

When was the last time you had a lawyer actually review a legal document that you signed?

Thought so.

Free legal help online is just as confusing as no legal help.

If you do not know law and legal terms.

Free legal help online will not defend you in court.

Being able to research is definitely needed and free legal help online is that tool.

There is a better way to get legal help.

It is called LegalShield.

Join the 3% that already have LegalShield.

Decide that you and your family are worth it.

I am building a team of LegalShield Associates to reach my goal.

Please watch the video and get started helping families everywhere.

I believe low cost access to quality lawyers and law firms for everyone.

Especially in the todays times.

Next steps:

  1. Watch the video
  2. If you have questions, contact me.
  3. Begin working on your personal development.
  4. Sign up, if you need help contact me.
  5. Start you Fast Start Training to get the most out of this business, fast.
  6. Participate in support Zoom calls available all week.

Thanks for your assistance and let’s change the world together

Watch Video Here

As always, to your highest success!

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Before You Do Anything (Almost,) Call Your Lawyer

I know it sound strange.

Call your lawyer.

Well you say.

I do not have a lawyer.

Your fault.

I am speaking only of Georgia.

You have an affordable option.

You can have a real lawyer

Know how?


Or you would already have one.

LegalShield in Georgia!

I believe having access to legal information is vital.

So much of what happens in life unexpected is somehow legally related.

Most people have the wrong information .

Business and others will not help you.

I believe you should have an option.

Man, go to

Get more information at

It is time.

Take some control.

With the right advice.

Be well. Be safe.

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Do you know your rights? Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian, or Homeowner?

Most people do not know their rights.

Is it important to know your rights you ask; especially if you KNOW you have not done anything wrong?

Truth is YES!

You still need to know your rights.


First, most people never have any interaction positive or negative with law enforcement.

You do not know how the system works.

You assume as a citizen it works on your behalf.

It does not.

Law enforcement has a goal.

The goal is to make a court case.

And to make a court case against you that will stick.

To also provide as much information to support the case.

Often, your words when you first talk with law enforcement are used against you.

Even if you have nothing to hide.

You do not know what they may ALREADY be building against you.

This begins with your FIRST conversation.

if you are not familiar with the legal system and how it works, as most are not.

Then you need to be aware.

This is one of those things the average person never deals with.

You need to be prepared to protect yourself.

Having access to a lawyer.

It is actually just as important as having insurance.

Your simple answer to law enforcement could be a costly answer.

That is why I advocate having legal advice ready and on stand by.

This is why you must be able to contact a legal source immediately.

Most people are conditioned to believe you get legal advice after an event great or small.

In a lot of cases it is often too late.

Your lack of knowledge and trusting the system has already got you in more trouble.

You do not even know it.

You are just trying to be honest.

Guess what?

It may cost you your life freedom!

Always have a lawyer available for you to use who is on your side.


Next, always be cordial and SHUT UP!

Then contact your lawyer.

Now you say, but I do not have one.

You should.

You can.

That is why I advocate a LegalShield Membership

Easy, caring, affordable plan that is available too all.

I am the official sign upper in Georgia as a LegalShield Independent Associate.

Also. get knowledgeable.

Read up.

Get the books.

My two recommendations.

You have the Right to Remain Innocent by James Duane.

The next is Body Armor by Ken Redfearn.

Get the books and do your research.

Then, get a LegalShield Membership in Georgia with your official sign upper, me.

Or when you are ready.

Go to or AndyLegal.Info for more information.

I want you to be prepared because knowing the law is one thing.

How to use it is another.

Whether you like it or not Lawyers know the legal system and how to help.

Get Legal help.

It is as important as insurance.

I want you to be prepared.

Make sure you have legal advice a call or click away.

You can with a LegalShield Membership for Georgians.

Do it for yourself or your loved ones, but do it!

To your best life now.

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You Do Have the Right to Remain Innocent

I am very passionate about and as many may know.

I want to be a helpful advocate for you

I promote information, products and resources that lift your life.

I want to help you live a healthy, happy, loving, well rounded and prosperous life.

I have stated this on many occasions and I want you to hear this clearly.

One area that I continue to focus on is all Georgia Residents having access to a lawyer.

It is important because a lot of times the” law and the system” are not understood correctly.

Unless you are or have family that is a prosecuting attorney, judge or lawyer.

There are things average citizens are not aware of.

Having and using information when you are in need is important.

The law and how things work is often not as easy to understand as it may often seem.

If that were the case lawyers would not be in school and have to pass a bar exam.

Everyone in Georgia should have access to information to protect your life.

From signing legal documents, to setting up wills, to going to traffic court or dealing with mistreatment from a store and so much more.

Most people handle situations without the advice of a lawyer.

In most cases, the illusion is you cannot afford a lawyer.

That is not true.

For a low monthly fee, you can have access to a lawyer and law firm in Georgia.

You need to have it in place now just like you would an insurance policy.

So that it is available to you when you need it.

Life happens and is not always predictable.

Although I am advocating for residents in the great State of Georgia USA,.

This holds true for everyone.

Right now you can have access to a Georgia Law firm through LegalShield.

After all I am the Official Georgia LegalShield Signupper.

For a low monthly fee a lawyer will be one call or app click away.

When your choose to use your rights.

It might be better to also have your lawyer on the phone

Check out this important video about your rights.

It is an interview with author James Duane (with Philippe SHOCK Matthews

Author of the book You Have the Right to Remain Innocent.

Watch now, click here.

Get the book here.

You will find out some unbelievable information that could possibly save your life.

It is my hope that you will now understand why I know having access to a lawyer is vital.

It also has a lot more important information for you.

It is for everyone but especially for the children, friends and family in your life.

Wake up, wise up, be informed.

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